"Nothing under the sun is greater than education. By educating one person and sending him into the society of his generation, we make a contribution extending a hundred generations to come."


-- Dr. Jigoro Kano

Judo Founder

Ju-Jitsu Philosophy:


Seiryoku Zenyo


"Concentrated Effort,

Maximum Efficiency"

Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) Basic Terminology


The Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) is the international leader of Sport Ju-Jitsu.  In 1977, delegates from Germany, Italy, & Sweden founded the European Ju-Jitsu Federation (EJJF).  In 1987, due to the increase of EJJF members, the Federation changed its name to the International Ju-Jitsu Federation (IJJF), and the European nucleus became the first Continental Union.  In 1990, the United States sent representatives to the IJJF World Congress and was able to secure membership (USA Member).  In the early 1990's, the IJJF became a provisional member of the General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) - member of the International World Games Association (IWGA).  In 1998, the IJJF changed its name to the Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) and gained full membership status with the GAISF.  Currently, the JJIF has 106 member countries - spanning 4 continents.  Besides participating in the World Games and World Combat Games, the JJIF has initiated conversation with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) with the hope of securing future Olympic status.


In addition to spearheading the development of 3-Part Fighting, Ne-Waza (Brazilian), & Duo Self-Defense Competition, the JJIF has worked towards the technical standardization of Ju-Jitsu.  Bringing together techniques from traditional Kodokan Judo, Japanese Karate-Do, & Aikido, a common set of JJIF Ju-Jitsu terminology has been established.  Although every Ryu (style) of Ju-Jitsu has its own rank requirements, it is beneficial for all practitioners to familiarize themselves with the common terms used within the JJIF community. 

Note: Although Kenukan-Ryu utilizes many of the JJIF terms within its curriculum, there are some differences. For a complete list of Kenukan-Ryu terms, please consult the Official Kenukan Budokai Junior & Adult Rank Syllabus.


Table 1 - Natural Weapons

Table 2 - Breakfalls

Table 3 - Body Positions

Table 4 - Body Movements

Table 5 - Blocking Techniques

Table 6 - Striking Techniques

Table 7 - Throws By Leg

Table 8 - Throws By Hip

Table 9 - Throws By Hand

Table 10 - Throws By Shoulder

Table 11 - Throws By Sacrifice Fall

Table 12 - Pinning Techniques

Table 13 - Wrist Control Techniques

Table 14 - Choking Techniques

Table 15 - Arm Control By Stretching

Table 16 - Arm Control By Bending

Table 17 - Finger Control Techniques

Table 18 - Neck Control Techniques

Table 19 - Leg Control By Stretching

Table 20 - Leg Control By Bending

Table 21 - Foot Control Techniques

Table 22 - Two Leg Techniques

Table 23 - Competition Terms

Table 1 - Natural Weapons - Karada 体

Romanji Kanji English
Nukite 貫手 Spear Hand
Haito 背刀 Ridge Hand
Shuto 手刀 Knife Hand
Uraken 裏拳 Back Fist
Haishu 背手 Back Hand
Teisho 掌底 Palm Heel
Seiken 正拳 Correct Fist
Ude Forearm
Tettsui 鉄槌 Iron Hammer
Hiraken 平拳 Flat Fist
Ipponken 一本拳 One Knuckle Fist
Empi / Hiji 猿臂 / 肘 Elbow
Koshi 中足 Ball of Foot
Kakato Heel of Foot
Sokuto 足刀 Sword Foot
Sokutei 足底 Sole of Foot
Haisoku 背足 Instep of Foot
Hiza Knee

Table 2 - Breakfalls - Ukemi Waza 受け身技

Romanji Kanji English
Mae Mawari Ukemi 前回り受け身 Front Rotating Breakfall
Ushiro Ukemi 後ろ受け身 Back Breakfall
Yoko Ukemi 横受け身 Side Breakfall
Mae Ukemi 前受け身 Front Breakfall
Ebi 海老 Shrimp

Table 3 - Body Positions

Romanji Kanji English
Heisoku Dachi 閉足立ち Closed Foot Stance
Fudo Dachi 不動立ち Immovable Stance
Shiko Dachi 四股立ち Sumo Stamping Stance
Hanmi Shizentai 半身自然体 Half Body Natural Posture
Hanmi Kamae 半身構え Half Body Ready Posture
Zenkutsu Dachi 前屈立ち Forward Bending Stance
Kokutsu Dachi 後屈立ち Backward Bending Stance
Neko Ashi Dachi 貓足立ち Cat Foot Stance

Table 4 - Body Movements

Romanji Kanji English
Tsugi Ashi 次ぎ足 Following Foot
Ayumi Ashi 歩み足 Alternating Foot
Happo no Kuzushi 八方の崩し Eight Directions of Off-Balance
Hara Stomach (Center / Base)
Tai Sabaki 体捌き Body Movement

Table 5 - Blocking Techniques - Uke Waza 受け技

Romanji Kanji English
Age Uke 上げ受け Rising Block
Gedan Barai Uke 下段払受け Lower Sweeping Block
Uchi Uke 内受け Inside Block
Soto Uke 外受け Outside Block
Shuto Uke 手刀受け Knife Hand Block
Jodan Morote Uke 上段諸手受け Upper Two Handed Block
Morote Gedan Barai Uke 諸手下段払受け Two Handed Lower
Sweeping Block
Jodan Juji Uke 上段十字受け Upper Crossing Block
Gedan Juji Uke 下段十字受け Lower Crossing Block
Morote Uchi Uke 諸手内受け Two Handed Inside Block
Nagashi Uke 流し受け Flowing Block
Hiza Uke 膝受け Knee Block
Sokuto Uke 足刀受け Sword Foot Block
Sokutei Uke 足底受け Sole of Foot Block
Mikazuki Uke 三日月受け Crescent Moon Block

Table 6 - Striking Techniques - Atemi Waza 当て身技

Romanji Kanji English
Teisho Uchi 掌底打ち Palm Heel Strike
Shuto Uchi 手刀打ち Knife Hand Strike
Yonhon Nukite 四本貫手 Four Finger Spear Hand
Haito Uchi 背刀打ち Ridge Hand Strike
Uraken Uchi 裏拳打ち Back Fist Strike
Tettsui Uchi 鉄槌打ち Iron Hammer Strike
Jun Tsuki 順突き Lunge Punch
Gyaku Tsuki 逆突き Reverse Punch
Ura Tsuki 裏突き Inverted Punch
Tate Tsuki 立て突き Vertical Punch
Mawashi Tsuki 回し突き Roundhouse Punch
Hiza Geri 膝蹴り Knee Kick
Empi Uchi 猿臂打ち Elbow Strike
Age Empi Uchi 上げ猿臂打ち Rising Elbow Strike
Otoshi Empi Uchi 落猿臂打ち Dropping Elbow Strike
Ushiro Empi Uchi 後猿臂打ち Backwards Elbow Strike
Atama Tsuki 頭突き Head Strike
Kin Geri 金蹴り Groin (Gold) Kick
Mae Geri 前蹴り Front Kick
Mawashi Geri 廻し蹴り Roundhouse Kick
Yoko Geri 横蹴り Side Kick
Ushiro Geri 後蹴り Back Kick
Kakato Geri 踵蹴り Heel Kick
Ushiro Mawashi Geri 後廻し蹴り Back Roundhouse Kick
Mae Tobi Geri 前跳び蹴り Front Jumping Kick
Ura Fumikomi Geri 裏踏み込み蹴り Back Stomping Kick
Mae Kansetsu Geri 前関節蹴り Front Joint Kick
Soto Sune Mawashi Geri 外脛廻し蹴り Outside Shin Roundhouse Kick
Uchi Sune Mawashi Geri 内脛廻し蹴り Inside Shin Roundhouse Kick
Uchi Kansetsu Geri 内関節蹴り Inside Joint Kick

Table 7 - Throws By Leg - Ashi Nage Waza 足投げ技

Romanji Kanji English
O Soto Gari 大外刈 Large Outer Reap
Ashi Barai 足払 Foot Sweep
Ko Uchi Gari 小内刈 Small Inner Reap
Ko Soto Gake 小外掛 Small Outer Hook
O Uchi Gari 大内刈 Large Inner Reap
Ko Soto Gari 小外刈 Small Inner Reap
Hiza Guruma 膝車 Knee Wheel

Table 8 - Throws By Hip - Koshi Nage Waza 腰投げ技

Romanji Kanji English
Uki Goshi 浮腰 Floating Hip
O Goshi 大腰 Large Hip
Kubi Nage 首投げ Neck Throw
Harai Goshi 払腰 Sweeping Hip
Ushiro Goshi 後腰 Rear Hip
Tsuri Komi Goshi 釣込腰 Lift Pull Hip
Koshi Guruma 腰車 Hip Wheel
Uchi Mata 内股 Inner Thigh
Hane Goshi 跳腰 Spring Hip

Table 9 - Throws By Hand - Te Nage Waza 手投げ技

Romanji Kanji English
Tai Otoshi 体落 Body Drop
O Soto Osae 大外押え Large Outside Press
Kata Ashi Dori 肩足取り Single Leg Grab
Ura Ryo Ashi Dori 裏両足取り Rear Two Leg Grab
Ryo Ashi Dori 両足取り Two Leg Grab
Shiho Nage 四方投げ Four Direction Throw
Te Guruma 手車 Hand Wheel
Sukui Nage 掬投げ Scooping Throw
Kiri Otoshi 切り落 Cutting Drop
Hiji Otoshi 肘落 Elbow Drop
Age Ashi Dori 上げ足取り Rising Leg Grab

Table 10 - Throws By Shoulder - Seoi Nage Waza 背負い投げ技

Romanji Kanji English
Ippon Seoi Nage 一本背負い投げ One Arm Shoulder Throw
Morote Seoi Nage 双手背負い投げ Tow Hand Shoulder Throw
Kata Guruma 肩車 Shoulder Wheel
Seoi Otoshi 背負い落 Shoulder Drop
Seoi Age 背負い上げ Shoulder Rise

Table 11 - Throws By Sacrifice Fall - Sutemi Nage Waza 捨て身投げ技

Romanji Kanji English
Tomoe Nage 巴投げ Circle Throw
Yoko Wakare 横分 Side Separation
Yoko Guruma 横車 Side Wheel
Soto Makikomi 外巻込 Outer Wraparound
Yoko Tomoe Nage 横巴投げ Side Circle Throw
Sumi Gaeshi 隅返 Corner Reversal
Tawara Gaeshi 俵返 Rice Bag Reversal
Tani Otoshi 谷落 Valley Drop
Tobi Kani Basami 飛び蟹螯 Jumping Crab Scissors
Ko Uchi Makikomi 小内巻込 Small Inner Wraparound
Hiki Komi Gaeshi 引込返 Pulling In Reversal

Table 12 - Pinning Techniques - Osae Komi Waza 抑え込み技

Romanji Kanji English
Kesa Gatame 袈裟固め Scarf Hold
Kata Gatame 肩固め Shoulder Hold
Kami Shiho Gatame 上四方固め Upper Quarters Hold
Mune Gatame 胸固め Chest Hold
Tate Shiho Gatame 縦四方固め Vertical Quarters Hold

Table 13 - Wrist Control Techniques - Kote Gatame 小手固め技

Romanji Kanji English
Kote Gaeshi 小手返し Forearm Return
Kote Mawashi 小手廻し Forearm Roundhouse
Kuzure Kote Gaeshi 崩れ小手返し Modified Forearm Return
Kote Hineri 小手捻り Forearm Twist

Table 14 - Choking Techniques - Shime Waza 絞め技

Romanji Kanji English
Hadaka Jime 裸絞め Naked Choke
Ushiro Jime 後絞め Rear Choke
Ebi Garami Jime 海老絡ま絞め Shrimp Entanglement Choke
Okuri Eri Jime 送り襟絞め Sliding Lapel Choke
Kata Ha Jime 片羽絞め Single Wing Choke
Morote Jime 双手絞め Two Hand Choke
Kata Te Jime 片手絞め Single Hand Choke
Sankaku Jime 三角絞め Triangle Choke
Tsukkomi Jime 突込絞め Thrust Choke
Ashi Kata Jime 足肩絞め Leg Shoulder Choke

Table 15 - Arm Control By Stretching - Ude Hishigi Kansetsu Waza 腕拉ぎ関節技

Romanji Kanji English
Osae Ude Gatame 抑え腕固め Pressing Arm Lock
Gyaku Osae Ude Gatame 逆抑え腕固め Reverse Pressing Arm Lock
Waki Gatame 腋固め Armpit Lock
Gyaku Waki Gatame 逆腋固め Reverse Armpit Lock
Kata Gatame 肩固め Shoulder Lock
Soto Kannuki Gatame 外閂固め Outside Bolt Lock
Uchi Kannuki Gatame 内閂固め Inside Bolt Lock
Mune Gatame 胸固め Chest Lock
Hara Gatame 腹固め Stomach Lock
Gyaku Hara Gatame 逆腹固め Reverse Stomach Lock
Ude Gatame 腕固め Arm Lock
Hiza Gatame 膝固め Knee Lock
Juji Gatame 十字固め Cross Lock
Kuzure Juji Gatame 崩十字固め Modified Cross Lock
Yoko Juji Gatame 横十字固め Side Cross Lock
Ashi Juji Gatame 足十字固め Leg Cross Lock
Tate Juji Gatame 縦十字固め Vertical Cross Locl
Ashi Ude Gatame 足腕固め Leg Arm Lock
Sankaku Gatame 三角固め Triangle Lock

Table 16 - Arm Control By Bending - Ude Garami Kansetsu Waza 腕絡ま関節技

Romanji Kanji English
Ude Garami 腕絡ま Arm Entanglement
Ushiro Ude Garami 後腕絡ま Backwards Arm Entanglement
Soto Ude Garami 外腕絡ま Outside Arm Entanglement
Ashi Ude Garami 足腕絡ま Leg Arm Entanglement

Table 17 - Finger Control Techniques - Yubi Gatame Waza 指固め技

Romanji Kanji English
Yubi Gatame 指固め Finger Lock
Yubi Hineri 指捻り Finger Twist

Table 18 - Neck Control Techniques - Kubi Gatame Waza 首固め技

Romanji Kanji English
Kubi Hishigi 首拉ぎ Neck Crush
Atama Ago Gaeshi 頭顎返し Head Chin Counter
Kannuki Atama Ago Gaeshi 閂頭顎返し Bolt Head Chin Counter
Kubi Gatame 首固め Neck Lock
Ura Kubi Gatame 裏首固め Rear Neck Lock

Table 19 - Leg Control By Stretching - Ashi Hishigi Kansetsu Waza 足拉ぎ関節技

Romanji Kanji English
Uchi Kata Ashi Hishigi 内片足拉ぎ Inside Single Leg Crush
Soto Kata Ashi Hishigi 外片足拉ぎ Outside Single Leg Crush
Hiza Hishigi 膝拉ぎ Knee Crush
Ashi Gatame 足固め Leg Lock
Kani Ashi Hishigi 蟹足拉ぎ Crab Leg Crush

Table 20 - Leg Control By Bending - Ashi Garami Kansetsu Waza 足絡ま関節技

Romanji Kanji English
Ashi Garami 足絡ま Leg Entanglement
Ashi Dori Garami 足取り絡ま Leg Grab Entanglment
Osae Hiza Garami 抑え膝絡ま Pressing Knee Entanglement

Table 21 - Foot Control Techniques - Ashi Gatame Waza 足固め技

Romanji Kanji English
Ashi Gaeshi 足返し Foot Return
Ashi Hishigi 足拉ぎ Foot Crush
Kannuki Ashi Hishigi 閂足拉ぎ Bolt Foot Crush

Table 22 - Two Leg Techniques - Ryo Ashi Waza 両足技

Romanji Kanji English
Kani Basami 蟹螯 Crab Scissors
Kubi Basami 首螯 Neck Scissors
Do Jime 胴絞め Body Choke

Table 23 - Competition Terms - Shiai 試合

Romanji Kanji English
Hajime 始め Begin
Mate 待て Pause / To Wait
Mubobi 無防備 Lack of Safety
Osae Komi 抑え込み Hold Down
Sono Mama 其の儘 Pause / Without Change
Toketa 解けた Hold Broken
Yoshi よし Start / Resume
Ippon 一本 Complete Execution
Waza-Ari 技あり Incomplete Execution
Shido 指導 Slight Infringement
Chui 注意 Serious Infringement
Hansoku Make 反則負け Disqialification
Fusen Gachi 不戦 勝ち Win By Walk Over
Kiken Gachi 棄権勝ち Win By Withdrawl
Tori 取り Performer
Uke 受け Receiver
Hantei 判定 Decision
Hikiwake 引き分け Draw

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220 W. Cedar St.

Olathe, KS





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